We are thrilled to share the news that the Copeland Suzhou solar project, a collaboration between BECIS and Copeland, is now up and running! The project has a capacity of 2.72322 MWp and can produce 2589104.76kWh of clean energy every year, reducing carbon emissions by 1477 tons.

To celebrate this milestone, we co-hosted a COD ceremony with Copeland at their Suzhou site on Sep 22. We were honored to have the presence of Arnaud Dauvillier, Managing Director of BECIS; Hally Huang, GM of BECIS China; Echo Xia, Senior Business Development Manager; Randy Wang, Senior Project Manager; and Corinna Zhang, Business Analyst cum Assistant Marketing Manager. They were joined by the leaders and members from Copeland Suzhou.
为了庆祝这一里程碑,我们与谷轮于9月22日在其苏州工厂共同举办了并网仪式。BECIS领导团队参与了此次盛会,包括执行董事Arnaud Dauvillier,中国区总经理黄春乐,高级项目开发经理夏雪,高级项目经理汪崇贵和商务分析师/市场部副经理张若萌。谷轮苏州工厂的管理层代表及员工代表业一并出席了此次活动。

Mr. Chen, Vice president of Operation from Copeland Suzhou, commended BECIS for our professionalism and project performance. He said that this solar plant was a significant step for the Suzhou factory to achieve Copeland’s goal of reaching net-zero in Scope 1&2 by 2030, and net-zero in all 3 scopes by 2045.

Mr. Dauvillier praised the solar power plant as a testament to BECIS’s vision of making clean energy accessible and affordable for a sustainable future. He also thanked the Copeland Suzhou team for their support and cooperation.
As a leading energy as a service (EaaS) provider, BECIS is proud to partner with Copeland to create a greener and cleaner future.
作为一家领先的能源即服务 (EaaS)供应商,BECIS很荣幸能与谷轮合作,共创更绿色、更清洁的明天。
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