2022927日,廊坊德基机械科技有限公司与BECIS集团在德基机械廊坊永清工厂举办了“建设低碳工厂、创造绿色家园德基机械光伏发电并网仪式。永清县人民政府县长黄运然,永清县经济开发区党工委书记周俊、廊坊德基机械科技有限公司总裁蔡群力、BECIS中国区总经理黄春乐等政府代表及两个公司代表出席了本次仪式。 On September 27, 2022, Langfang D&G Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. and BECIS held the “Build Low-carbon factories, Create Green homeland” D&G Machinery PV power commercial operation ceremony at the Yongqing plant of Langfang D&G Machinery. Huang Yunran, head of Yongqing County People’s Government, Zhou Jun, Secretary of Party Working Committee of Yongqing County Economic Development Zone, CAI Qunli, President of Langfang D&G Machinery Technology Co., LTD. Huang Chunle, general manager of BECIS China, and other government representatives and representatives of the two companies attended the ceremony.
BECIS中国区总经理黄春乐作为本次仪式的第一位发言人,向出席嘉宾对光伏发展背景、项目情况进行了介绍。廊坊德基与BECIS通过合同能源管理合作模式进行光伏项目合作,BECIS在永清县设立项目公司廊坊博熙光伏发电有限公司作为项目执行主体,项目于20223月开工,克服了疫情等困难,于20229月完工。本项目装机容量为865.08 kWp,共利用德基机械三个混凝土屋顶约10600平方米,预估25年光伏发电量为2332.8万度,预计将为德基机械带来13554吨温室气体减排量,同时通过享受电价折扣为德基机械节省了用电成本。黄总也表示:我们与德基机械将继续推进双方在节能方向上的深度合作,期待尽快给德基机械带来新的综合能源解决方案,进一步降低温室气体排放量,建设低碳工厂,创造绿色家园。” Huang Chunle, General manager of BECIS China, conducted an opening speech for this ceremony and introduced the development background of PV industry and project to all attendees. Langfang D&G and BECIS carried out PV project cooperation through EMC cooperation mode. BECIS set up a project company, Langfang BECIS Solar Co., Ltd. in Yongqing County as the SPV of the project. The project was started in March 2022, overcame the epidemic and other difficulties, and was completed in September 2022. The project has an installed capacity of 865.08 kWp and occupied a total of 10,600 square meters. The PV power generation is estimated to be 23.328 million KWH in 25 years. It is expected to bring 13,554 tons of greenhouse gas emission reduction for D&G Machinery and save electricity costs for D&G Machinery by enjoying an electricity price discount. Mr. Huang also said: “We will continue to promote future cooperation in the direction of energy conservation. We look forward to bringing new comprehensive energy solutions to D&G Machinery as soon as possible, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building low-carbon plants, and creating green homelands.”
廊坊德基机械科技有限公司总裁蔡群力对出席仪式的各位政府代表及BECIS公司代表进行了感谢,并表示:通过与BECIS合作建设高品质光伏电站,通过使用绿色电力实现节能减排,是工厂可持续发展战略中重要的一步。将来,德基机械会坚决贯彻落实习近平生态文明思想,坚决执行党中央及省市决策部署,紧密围绕“碳达峰”“碳中和”目标加快绿色低碳转型发展。不管是现在还是将来,德基机械都一定会严格按照国家能源结构和发展的战略计划,继续在新能源领域努力开展一些卓有成效的投资建设,不断发展、壮大公司光伏发电项目的规模。” CAI Qunli, president of Langfang D&G Machinery Technology Co., LTD., thanked the government representatives and BECIS company representatives who attended the ceremony and said: “Through the cooperation with BECIS to build a high-quality PV power plant, through the use of green electricity to achieve energy saving and emission reduction, is a key step in the sustainable development strategy of the plant. Whether it is now or in the future, D&G Machinery will strictly follow the national energy structure and development of the strategic plan, continue to carry out some fruitful investments in the field of new energy, and continue to develop and expand the scale of the company’s PV power generation projects.”
永清县人民政府县长黄运然进行致辞祝贺德基机械及BECIS集团并宣布德基机械光伏电站并网成功!四位领导共同倒计时并点亮并网仪式启动球。 Huang Yunran, head of Yongqing County People’s Government, delivered a speech to congratulate D&G Machinery and BECIS Group and announced that D&G Machinery photovoltaic power plant was successfully connected to the grid! The four leaders jointly countdown and light up the starting ball for the grid-connection ceremony.
并网仪式圆满结束后,德基机械总裁蔡群力对BECIS集团为工厂带来绿色清洁电力表示高度肯定,并授予了特制的认证奖牌。本次项目,BECIS亦邀请知名德国第三方TÜV Rheinland对项目进行全过程的检测把控,并在本次活动中TÜV Rheinland基于项目的绿色电力特性出具了相关证明。双方领导在德基机械展厅内进行了认证奖牌和证明文件的交换仪式。 After the ceremony, CAI Qunli, president of D&G Machinery, highly recognized BECIS Group for bringing green and clean power to the factory and was awarded a special certification medal. In this project, BECIS also invited the well-known German third party TÜV Rheinland to carry out the whole process of testing for the project. In this activity, TÜV Rheinland issued relevant testimonial testimonials based on the green power characteristics of the project. The two sides’ leaders exchanged gifts in the exhibition hall of D&G Machinery.
关于德基机械 廊坊德基机械科技有限公司(以下简称“德基机械”或“公司”)成立于1999年,位于廊坊市永清县工业园区,为香港主板上市公司德基科技(股票代码:01301.HK)的全资附属公司。德基机械是一家先进装备制造企业,专业从事沥青混合料搅拌设备的研发、设计和制造,专注于提供高端节能环保型全系列沥青混合料搅拌成套设备和废旧沥青混合料再生利用搅拌设备及服务。德基机械已生产和销售超过700台套沥青混合料搅拌设备,产品遍布国内30多个省、市和自治区,在高速公路、高等级公路和城市道路建设中发挥了巨大的作用。德基机械于2004年开始开发海外市场,实行背靠祖国,面向国际的发展策略,致力开发国际市场,并取得了骄人的成绩。德基机械产品已出口到俄罗斯、印度、澳大利亚、文莱、香港、泰国、阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯、阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、埃塞俄比亚、土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦和蒙古国等30多个新兴市场、发达国家和「一带一路」沿线国家,更参与过多个海外基础建设项目,包括俄罗斯卡卢加机场、文莱机场高速公路、印度5号国道建设、中巴经济走廊公路建设项目等,充分展示了美好的市场前景。D&G MACHINERY Technology Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of D&G Technology Holding Co., Ltd (stock code 01301. HK), as well as a professional manufacturer and service provider established in 1999 for asphalt mixing plant. Thus far, we have over 150,000factory space with a production capacity of over 80 sets of plants annually. D&G MACHINERY provides full range & upmarket asphalt plants which rank the top in China. The products, with a wide variety to meet the need of customers technically and geographically, are used by the road construction industry in nearly 30 Chinese provinces and have made great contributions to the construction of modern highways throughout the country.  As of 2006, D&G MACHINERY extends its market from Asia to other continents of the world. Over 100 sets of asphalt mixing plants have been installed in Australia, Russia, India, Thailand, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, U.A. Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Mongolia. With their respective customized features, all the plants have achieved outstanding performance levels in these countries. D&G MACHINERY uses components from renowned international brands to ensure the quality of our products. We are proud of our innovations and proprietary technologies and strive to give customers the most advanced products in the market. We are dedicated to innovations in technology and continuous quality improvement.