Dole Asia Holdings takes another significant step towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions with the establishment of the Global ESG Partnership. This unique alliance platform of renewable energy service providers will allow Dole to achieve its 100% renewable energy targets at all of its processing facilities by 2030 and create shared value for all its stakeholders, especially in the local communities by establishing better life-infrastructures.
Dole signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Berkeley Energy Commercial Industrial Solutions (BECIS) on 16 July 2021 to onboard its first environmental, social, & governance (ESG) partner into the alliance. BECIS has installed solar energy sourcing solutions in Dole facilities in Thailand and the Philippines and will expand renewable energy systems installation into Dole’s operation.
Yutaka Yamamura, CEO, Dole Asia Holdings, said: “The Global ESG Partnership will further accelerate the achievement of the Dole Promise to carbon neutrality together with creating shared value, which is built on the Sampo Yoshi philosophy – better for the buyer, seller and stakeholders, including communities. We believe that working with credible renewable energy partners to provide tangible services that contribute to local lifestyles and build trust will make our local business operations more productive and sustainable.”
More partners will subsequently be invited depending on the demands of Dole’s local entities. This partnership will allow Dole to clear about 30% of carbon emissions (2019FY base) by 2030, as a significant step towards achieving the Dole Promise announced in 2020.
Hans-Friedrich Zeh, Vice President Manufacturing, Dole Asia Holdings, added: “The Dole business model is highly labour-intensive and largely located in areas where infrastructure is underdeveloped. After operating in the Philippines for the past over 55 years, we learned that sustainable business growth must be built on coexistence with the local community. Therefore, I believe this ESG partnership will also accelerate the development of the other local communities in which Dole operates.”
Kunal Mehta, Chief Executive Officer, BECIS, said: “BECIS was established to offer access to distributed energy solutions to high-quality commercial and industrial customers like Dole. We are very pleased to receive the trust of Dole as their ESG Partner and to be supporting them in their journey to Net Zero Carbon Emissions.”
Media Enquiries
Elainn Gey
Associate, Peppercomm Asia on behalf of Dole Asia Holdings
Tel: +65 9628 2323
About The Dole Promise
In June 2020 Dole Asia Holdings announced the Dole Promise, with its three pillars around nutrition, sustainability and the creation of shared value.
Better for People: Access to sustainable nutrition for 1 billion people by 2025, moving towards zero processed sugar in all Dole products by 2025.
Better for Planet: zero fruit loss from Dole farms to markets by 2025, zero fossil-based plastic packaging by 2025, net zero carbon emissions in Dole operations by 2030.
Better for all Stakeholders: Dole will continue to positively impact all farmers, communities and people working for Dole – through its commitment to equal opportunity, living wages, and an ever-increasing level of safety, nutrition, and
wellbeing. The company also seeks to advance human rights within the direct operations and supply chains by building a culture of transparency and accountability.
Download the Dole Promise visual here.
About The Dole Sunshine Company
The name Dole Sunshine Company is used to represent the global interests and combined efforts of Dole Asia Holdings, Dole Worldwide Packaged Foods and Dole Asia Fresh. Dole Sunshine Company is not an actual business entity and does not operate as such in any country or region. For more information on Dole Sunshine Company, please visit or
About Berkeley Energy Commercial Industrial Solutions (BECIS)
Berkeley Energy Commercial Industrial Solutions (“BECIS”) is a leading Energy as a Service provider to high quality commercial & industrial (“C&I”) customers. BECIS was established in 2019 and is headquartered in Singapore. BECIS benefits from an aligned and strategically beneficial shareholding group including Berkeley Energy, FMO, Siemens and Norfund-KLP. We deliver, operate, and maintain distributed energy solutions adopting the ‘Energy-as-a- Service’ operating model currently in eight countries (Thailand, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia). For more information, please visit:
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