Hansoll Textile – Vietnam – Solar.

Hansoll moves ahead with two new onsite solar solutions provided by BECIS.


Hansoll textile Ltd. sought solutions to reduce their carbon footprint at their two largest facilities in Vietnam, Unisoll Vina and Global Dyeing by installing rooftop solar systems.


The challenge was to ensure that Hansoll maximized the system sizes and therefore its savings both in monetary terms and carbon savings, whilst ensuring that the rooftop solar systems were designed mainly for self-consumption with low export to the grid.


BECIS used its in-house design and project management team to carefully coordinate with each factory. The energy consumption was modeled and the systems were designed to balance the large system sizes at around 4MWp each, whilst limiting the export and ensuring the solar generated electricity remained mainly for self-consumption.

Onsite Solar Hansoll Vietnam Project
Hansoll Vietnam Onsite Solar
BECIS - Hansoll Vietnam
BECIS Hansoll Vietnam
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