97日,武汉光迅科技股份有限公司与上海希必能源科技有限公司(BECIS)签署光电子产业园分布式光伏电站项目投资合作协议。 On September 7, Wuhan Guangxun Technology Co., Ltd. and BECIS China signed an investment cooperation agreement for the distributed PV power plant project in the Optoelectronics Industrial Park.
武汉光迅科技股份有限公司董事长、党委副书记、总经理黄宣泽, BECIS中国区总经理黄春乐出席活动并代表双方签约。 Mr. Huang Xuanze, chairman, deputy secretary of the party committee, and general manager of Wuhan Guangxun Technology Co., Ltd., and Mr. Hally Huang, general manager of BECIS China, attended the event and signed the contract on behalf of both parties.
会上,BECIS就当前光伏电站建设情况和本次合作项目进行了系统介绍。黄春乐指出,本次项目合作意义非凡,是未来双方在更多清洁能源领域进行合作的的良好开端,项目组将按计划开展相关工作,在年内完成光伏基础设施的铺设,助力光迅公司加快实现双碳目标。 During the meeting, BECIS gave a systematic introduction to the current Solar power industry and the signed project. Hally Huang pointed out that the cooperation of this project has great significance and is a good start for the two parties to cooperate in future clean energy fields. The project team will carry out relevant work as planned and complete the construction of the PV system within this year, helping Accelink to achieve the  “Dual-Carbon” goal.   黄宣泽发言强调,作为央企,响应国家号召,履行企业社会责任是公司义不容辞的责任,公司非常重视包括“双碳”在内的环境、社会及治理工作。产业园分布式光伏电站项目正是降低碳排放的一个非常好的具体体现,希望以本次合作为契机进行系统化梳理、分析、论证和落实节能减排环保行动,并循序渐进地推进公司“双碳”工作! Mr. Huang Xuanze emphasized in his speech that as a state-owned enterprise, it is the company’s duty to respond to the call of the country and fulfill its corporate social responsibility. The company pays great attention to environmental, social, and governance work including “Dual Carbon”.  This distributed PV power plant project is a very good example of reducing carbon emissions. It is hoped that this cooperation will be used as an opportunity to systematically sort out, analyze, demonstrate and implement energy saving, carbon emission reduction, and environmental protection actions, and gradually promote the company’s “Dual Carbon” works.   根据协议,未来双方将本着长期合作、互惠共赢的原则,进行更加深入全面的合作,逐步推进以绿色能源为基础的减碳工作,树立光迅低碳的企业形象! According to the agreement, the two parties will carry out more in-depth and comprehensive cooperation in the future based on the principle of long-term cooperation and mutual benefit, gradually promote carbon reduction work based on green energy and establish a low-carbon corporate image of Accelink.   公司副总经理、“双碳”工作小组组长徐勇、BECIS中国区高级业务开发经理张春等相关负责人参加了签约仪式。 Xu Yong, deputy general manager of the company and leader of the “Dual Carbon” committee. Zhang Chun, senior business development manager of BECIS China, and other relevant people attended the signing ceremony.