On June 2, BECIS China and Yaskawa Electric (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. successfully held an EMC contract signing ceremony for a 2.755MW DG rooftop solar plant project which BECIS invested at Yaskawa Shenyang factory. The project aims to further assist Yaskawa’s energy transition, reduce the carbon footprint and energy costs of Yaskawa’s production line.
Our management team attended the ceremony, including Arnaud Dauvillier, Managing Director of China, Thailand & Malaysia; Hally Huang, GM of BECIS China; and Dillon Rao, BECIS China Business Development manager. As well as leaders from Yaskawa Electric (Shenyang) Co., Ltd, including Kazunori Ueno, Director President and Plant Manager; Kewen Xu, Director Vice President Deputy manager; Seiya Tsujino, Personal & General Affairs Dept. Manager; Tanaka Nobuyuki, Manager of Technology Dept. and other attendees joined this event.
BECIS中泰马三国董事总经理Arnaud Dauvillier,BECIS中国总经理黄春乐,BECIS中国项目开发经理饶志诚等代表,以及安川电机(沈阳)有限公司上野总经理,管理本部徐克文本部长,人事总务部辻野部长,技术部田中部长等领导出席活动并见证签约。
The Director President and Plant Manager of Yaskawa Shenyang, Mr. Ueno, delivered a speech and said that Yaskawa is committed to improving its environmental performance and social responsibility. That Yaskawa Electric (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. insisted on its environmental target of reducing the Group’s CO2 emissions by 51% in 2030 as compared with 2018, and actively promotes green energy solutions. This cooperation with BECIS China was based on BECIS’ rich experience in helping multinational enterprises in Southeast Asia to save energy and reduce emissions. It is hoped that under the safety and quality guidance, the set goal of a successful commission in November will be achieved, and this green energy will be well utilized in the Yaskawa Shenyang plant.
Arnaud Dauvillier, Managing Director of BECIS and Hally Huang, General Manager of BECIS China, said that Yaskawa Electric, as an international enterprise with a century-old company, is well-known in the field of automation for its innovative products and cutting-edge technologies. In collaboration with Yaskawa Shenyang, BECIS China will meticulously plan and execute all aspects of the project to guarantee the safety, quality, and schedule of the project. Furthermore, through this collaboration, BECIS China will pursue the expansion of its business relations with Yaskawa Group as well as in Northeast China and will actively propose other green energy solutions beyond solar.
BECIS中泰马三国董事总经理Arnaud Dauvillier和BECIS中国总经理黄春乐表示,安川电机作为国际化百年企业,其产品及技术在自动化领域闻名全球。本次与安川电机(沈阳)有限公司合作,将会精心组织项目各个环节,确保光伏发电项目的安全、品质、工期。同时通过本次合作,继续扩大BECIS中国在安川集团及中国东北区域业务的拓展,积极推进其它绿色能源解决方案。
Then, Mr. Dauvillier and Mr. Ueno signed the EMC contract for this project on behalf of both parties. After the meeting, Mr. Ueno led BECIS China team to visit the Yaskawa Electric exhibition hall, where they engaged in a profound exchange about Yaskawa Electric’s development history and its historical connections with China. They also witnessed the wide application of Yaskawa Electric’s latest products and technologies in the field of automation and intelligence. We aspire that BECIS will provide more green energy solutions for Yaskawa Electric’s sustainable development in the future.
随后,在双方参会人员的见证下,BECIS中泰马三国董事总经理Arnaud Dauvillier和安川电机(沈阳)有限公司上野总经理共同签署了本项目的能源管理合同。会后,上野总经理带领BECIS一行参观了安川电机展厅,深切交流了安川电机的发展历程以及与中国的历史渊源,见证了安川电机最新产品及技术在自动化、智能化领域的广泛应用。让我们共同期待未来BECIS在安川电机的可持续发展的道路上能够带来更多的绿色能源解决方案。
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